Didn't do much work today cause I was freaking tired. Had tuition, rested for awhile, brother taught me chem, did gong han. Watch abit of superband for the first time in my life and discovered that some of them are quite sucky -.- yi shi jie esp hmm.
wow there's still people online at this ungodly hour. Too bad I have to go to school early tomorrow ~_~ Shall edit the rest of the previous post soon, life isn't eventful at all.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz My blog is so boringzxzx
(actually I'm just too lazy to write stuff and its pointless since nobody'll read anyway. I'm not in the mood to write touching stuff since its freaking 3 plus and my brain isn't functioning too well)

(i think its a very nice photo!)

I swear its


eyes!!!! (the last one looks
Search yamapi on google. Reminds me of how obsessed I was over him two years ago wth -.- Come to think of it its kinda amusing. People do grow, huh.
aiya no inspiration to write anything laaa, I just felt like writing cause I'M STILL AWAKE AT3:31!!!!!!!!!!
k I should really sleep now, OYASUMI MINNA SAN!
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